Thursday 31 August 2017


Indian histories written by foreign historians ignore the glorious episodes of exceptional valour  & monumental success of the Hindus.
At the same time historians like Vincent Smith are astounded at the enduring ability of the Hindu Nation to rejuvenate after crushing defeat!

Nations like China, Babylon, Persia, Ancient Mexico, Ancient Peru, Egypt, Rome, Greece & many others had many occasions of being overcome & oppressed by mightier aggressors.
It is not only India that Ionians, Sakas, Kushans, Huns & other aggressors invaded, they disrupted almost all other nations of the then known world & brought in so called ‘Dark Ages’, throwing some into complete oblivion; whereas these barbaric aggressors who came with the ambition of annihilating the whole of Indian Continent were merged in the vast Indian multitude that even their name did not remain behind.
Whoever came flashing their swords were ultimately conquered & engulfed, completely submerged in our society leaving no trace of their separate existence behind. This was achieved not with peaceful persuasion but when the aggressor was vanquished completely in the armed conflict.

Some 2500 years ago Indian community & Kingdoms had spread far beyond the Indus, right upto the boundary of Persia. Through out  the whole region up to the Hindukush (Greek Paropnisus), all along the banks of Indus, up to where it leaps into the sea, was long unbroken chain of Vedic Indian States, most of them republics, democratic constitutions called ‘Ganas’, only 2-3 monarchies the biggest of them ruled by King Pourava.

Greeks, including Alexander believed that their ancestors migrated as a branch of Aryans from Gandhar, that India was their original abode.
It is likely that that these Greeks were the descendants of Anu, the son of Yayati. Indians called them ‘Yavanas’ (Ionians in Greek)

Hindu Kush Mountains were the Eastern boundaries of Alexander’s empire. He marched with his vast army to Takshsashila, sent ultimatum to all neighboring Indian States demanding unconditional surrender.
King Ambuj/Ambhi bowed down to the Greek might without a battle which humiliated the braver spirits.
King Pourava took the challenge.

We shall discuss later, King Pourav, Ganas/republics of Saubhootis, Kathas, Youdheys & many Ganas in the Panchanad (Punjab) who forced Alexander to strike a retreat homewards from the very threshold of India. The republics of Malva, Shudrakas, Agrashrenis, Brahmanak Janpad who gave him bitterest opposition at every step, all along the Indus, making him realize that Bharat was not an as easy prey as Persia that fell before him like a palace of paper.

Vincent Smith in his ‘Early history of India’, writes;
“All these proceedings prove that Alexander intended the permanent annexion of those Indian provinces to his empire, but with in 3 years of his departure from India, 325BC to 322 BC, his officers in India were ousted, his garrisons destroyed and all traces of his rule had disappeared.

Who were the leaders of this political conspiracy that wiped out, with in 6 months, the whole of the political dominance caused by Alexander’s aggression from Panchanad to Sindh?

Just when Alexander was marching into India after reducing Takshashila, a brilliant youth was learning the science of war in the University of Takshashila, the one who, a little later was to carve a glorious page in the history of India.

He was called Chandraupta Maurya.