Wednesday 11 October 2017


It has been a worrying trend for the culturally cautious to spot surreptitious means of converting Hindus, denigrating their religious and cultural practices and building a global narrative of global Anti Hindu sentiments. Most of the supposedly moderate Hindus are too moderate to look at it with a critical eye, the others too ignorant of their own faith to mount a credible argument. A sense of inferiority has been drilled into urban Hindus who have never invested in exploring their own religion, leading them to be malleable against purported excesses of their faith. They have no arguments, no information, no time for research and not enough roots to look the danger in the eye. This series of articles is by no means an original research on the subject. They are composed of extracts of information from various sources, websites, books and discussions and presented as a Situation Report of a CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER. It is also condensed into a nugget to share the explorations of serious research. We would urge the readers to use the information contained as a catalyst for their own research in the given contexts. The sources are mentioned at the end of the article.
The Indian Express published a news, “Dalit writer Kancha Ilaiah, under fire for his book Samajika Smugglurlu Komatollu (Vysyas are Social Smugglers) on 24th September 17
Indian Express also reported earlier that Kancha Ilaiah made a strong presentation before India’s National Conference on Human Rights, saying, “We want to kill Sanskrit in this country”. In an interview he advocated, “We should close down the IITs and the IIMs as they pander to the upper-caste economy of the country”. (Rajiv Malhotra- Breaking India, chapter 13, Kancha Ilaiah)

It would be worth investigating what linkages Kanch Illaiah brings to this debate. Whether he is a part of a larger nexus of proselytising groups or forces inimical to the unity and harmony of India
An important ideologue is being globally promoted by DFN (Dalit Freedom Network), a partner of AICC, based in Colorado USA, Founded by Joseph D’Souza, who heads the AICC.

As ‘the leading Dalit rights campaigner’, Kancha Ilaiah, is also amember of ICSSR that gives grants to Universities, research organisations like CSDS, where left wingers, journalists, NGOs, Dalit Christians are nurtured. DNF awarded him a postdoctoral fellowship on his book, ‘Why I am not a Hindu’ (1996, sponsored by the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation) is prescribed in courses on Hinduism at many American Universities. In another book, ‘Post- Hindu India’, he creates a racist ideology of hatred against Brahmins in particular. 


Many International nexus with US,UK, European connections, powerful political and religious forces-Churches, left wing and right wing foundations, think tanks and NGOs are at work on different levels in India. Academics and activists are lifted to give testimonies against India; world views that emphasise conflict are encouraged and published by prestigious publishing houses.


WESTERN GOVERNMENTS associate with evangelical religious organisations operating in India extending moral, financial, political support, for example, USAID, to channel funds through transnational evangelical organisations as World Vision.
FUNDING AGENCIES provide funds for researches to be carried out in India, for example, INFEMITA transnational network of evangelicals is funded by a US based Christian fundamentalist funding agency, Crowell Trust.
Cadburys sponsored a controversial study by a Christian organisation on caste discrimination among the Indian diaspora in the UK.
ACADEMIA The direction of academic studies is influenced by the funding agencies and the academic studies in turn influence International policies in India.
CHURCH Western Churches are closely linked to private funding agencies and government organizations. US based evangelical movements have launched the DFN (Dalit Freedom Network), with an Indian associate called AICC-All India Christian Council, who supply atrocity literature to their US sponsors.
MEDIA These forces have also built a media infrastructure to create Indian writers who are emotionally bonded and financially dependent on Western forces.
INDIA had a long standing trade & cultural relationships with countries around Mediterranean Sea and various empires, which arose in that area, including the Roman and the Persian. Roman empire had broken into two by the third quarter of the 6th century; the Western part with its capital at Rome had been overwhelmed by the Slav and Germanic tribesmen. The Eastern part of the old Rome had its capital at Byzantium or Constantinople, included most of Eastern Europe, modern Turkey, Syria, North Africa and Egypt.
Russia was converted to Christianity due to the efforts of Byzantium rulers and the Church in the East, called the Greek Orthodox Church.
For centuries after the collapse of the Roman Empire the cities virtually disappeared in Western Europe, the period between the 6th & 10th century was for long called ‘Dark Age’.
The Christian Church shaped the pattern of life in Europe, during the medieval period. In the absence of powerful empire in the West, the Pope of the Catholic Church exercised a great deal of religio-political authority.
The banner of struggle against the Turkish danger was taken up by western part of the Mediterranean, Spain and Portugal, they were aided with money & men by north Europeans, by ships and technical knowledge Genoese, rivals of the Venice. From 1418, Price Henry sent 2-3 ships every year to search a sea-route to India, one, to oust the Arabs and the Vincentians from the rich eastern trade, two, by converting the heathens of Africa and Asia to Christianity. The Pope lent his support by issuing a Bull in 1453 by which he granted to Portugal, ‘in perpetuity’, whatever lands it ‘discovered’, beyond Cape Nor in Africa up to India on the condition of ‘converting to Christianity, the peoples of those lands’.
In the 18th century, the Europeans, in search for identity, (Max Muller) constructed an ‘Aryan’ race and the colonial administrators used it for the division of traditional Indian communities. In parallel, the Church evangelists working in South India created a Dravidian race identity, de- linking it from its pan-Indian culture, claimed it to be closer to Christianity than to the ‘Aryan’ North Indian culture.
Robert de Nobili, 1577-1656, a Jesuit masqueraded as a Brahmin and claimed to have discovered a 5th veda, Ezour Vedam, showing the entire Indian tradition, as a corrupted subset of Christianity. Pierre Sonnerat, a French naturalist studied Vedas with the Brahmins to understand this 5th Veda. In 1782, he published his account of his journey to India and revealed: “document was fake mapping of Vedic spiritual elements on to Christian theology”. Despite this failure the missionaries started to call Christianity the true and original Vedic religion. 

From the day they set foot on the Indian soil, the Firangis made unceasing attempts to trample the Sanatan Dharma and the Hindu culture. confident after Christianising the indigenous races of Africa and America, the English had strong hopes that the Hindus would be ashamed of their Vedic culture after seeing the light of the western civilisation and would gather together in the fold of the Church.
Mr. Mangles said in the House of Commons in 1857: “Everyone must exert all his strength that there may be no dilatoriness on any account in continuing in the country the grand work of making all India Christian”.
Rev. Kennedy wrote: “Let us not forget that our chief work is the propagation of Christianity in India, until Hindustan from Cape Comorin to the Himalayas embraces Christianity, until it condemns Hindu religion, our efforts must continue persistently.”
When English schools were first opened in Bengal, Macaulay, in 1836 expressed: “In 30yrs there will be no idol worshipper left in Bengal”.
Since 2000, the St Thomas Christianity hoax has received massive support from International forces hostile to India. All caste problems in Tamil Nadu are blamed on ‘Brahmin Aryan’ conspiracy with the Dravidian Christianly as the solution.
A version of Dravidian history according to which St Thomas came to India and the Tamil classics were composed under his Christian influence, are being propagated.
(Sometime around A.D. 450 one Canai Thomas with seventy-two Syrian families arrived in Kerala, the grafting of this group with the existing fragmentary Christian groups must have led to the identiDication of Kerala Christians with the Thomas tradition). The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple by Ishwar Sharan.
In 1975, archbishop of Mylapore hired a Christian convert to fabricate epigraphic evidence proving the visit of St. Thomas to South India.
In a famous pilgrim center in Kerala, close to the ancient Mahadev temple at Nilkkal in the sacred eighteen hills of the deity of Sabrimala, Churchmen, with Financial support from the Vatican, fabricated archeological evidence of a stone cross established by St. Thomas in 57 CE, soon a Church with Dive foot granite cross was erected and consecrated by top Catholic clergy and daily prayers were started. A Hindu swami challenged the Church, afraid of the independent scrutiny of the archeological Survey of India, the perpetrators preferred to retreat.

In 1970s M. Deivanayagam began twisting the Tamil classical texts by superimposing a Christian meaning upon them. At UN World Conference against ‘Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance, held in Durban in 2001, Deivanayagam and his daughter Devakala distributed their book, ‘International Racism is the Child of India’s casteism’. Attacking Shankara Mutts, In 2004 Devakala published a 400 page guide book for evangelic institutions, ‘India is a Thomas Dravidian Christian nation’
In 2005, three organisations, The Institute of Asian Studies, the Dravidian Spiritual movement founded by Deivanayagam, and New York Christian Tamil Temple, came together to hold a conference, ‘The First International Conference on the History of early Christianity in India from the advent of St Thomas to Vasco da Gama’
The souvenir contained images of ‘Thiruvallur listening to St Thomas’ implying that classical Tamil literature originated from St Thomas, another image showing ‘a Brahmin killing the saffron-clad Thomas absorbed in prayer’. This high proDile game plan received support from several American authorities including Senator Hillary Clinton.
Beneath the cover of aiding the downtrodden, a number of Indian individuals, NGOs, Khalistanis, Kashmiri militants, Maoists and other subversive elements receive funds and mentorship from the West. The south Asian studies in the US and European Universities invite many such ‘activists’ devoted to creating a separate identity, distorted history & religion for the vulnerable Hindus.
Read about how Indian Vedic religion & traditions are being attacked, Christianised and appropriated to create confusion and the role of international academic Universities network in Part 2.
1. The Indian War of Independence of 1857: Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
2. Breaking India: Rajiv Malhotra, Aravindan Neelkandan
3. Malabar and the Portuguese: K.M. Panikkar
4: History of the Syrian Nation and the Old Evangelical-apostolic Church of the East: George David Malech
5: The Armies of GodIan Buchanan
6: Pseudo Secularism: Sita Ram