Tuesday 25 September 2018

THE FIERCE & PERSISTENT HINDU RESISTANCE to Islamic Jihad. 638-1857. Part 1.

The pre Islamic nature and idol-worshipping Arabs were the first people to be traumatized 1400 years back by by a cult, the only choice given to them was Islam or Death. There are no surviving nature and idol-worshipping non-Muslim Arabs today!

Whereas, inspite of Islamic tyranny from 715 up to 1761, unlike the complete Islamization of Arabia, Persia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Turkey, North Africa, more than 80 percent of India remained Hindu,  because Hindus never surrendered to the tyrants. Hindus relentlessly carried on their struggle of a Fierce and Persistent resistance to the Islamic Jihad.

In a letter Al Hajjaj bin Yousuf (661-714), governor of the Umayyad caliphate, instructed Bin Qasim, his seventeen year old nephew and son-in-law:
"When you encounter the unbeliever, strike off their heads...., make a great slaughter among them.., those who survive, bind them in bonds, pardon no one, spare none of them.."

The Baluchs 
The Baluchs put up a stiff resistance against the invading Arab Muslims for nearly a century, from the first attack on Makara in 638, up to 715 when the Muslims overran Baluchistan and invaded Sindh. The defeats that they suffered at Baluch hands, are documented by Arabs chroniclers as:

"The Hindus of Makaran (Makran) practice Voodoo and Black Magic and so bring Jinns and Shaitan to help them in war. Hence the Arabs cannot defeat them, the way the Arabs could easily defeat the Persians and the Byzantines."

The Hinglaj Mata Mandir/ Nani Mata Jo Mandir, the pilgrimage to which starts with a visit to Baba Chandrakup, a mud filled volcano that has been revered since Hindu times, the Bugti clan of Balouchs (has both Hindu and Muslim today), are the are surviving evidences of the long forgotten Hindu heritage of Makara of Baluchistan. 

The Muslim tyranny in India was as blood-thirsty as it was in all other parts of the world. The Hindus were not compulsive mass murderers of the Muslims as were the Crusaders, the Franks and the Mongols but after the initial setbacks, they grew wiser relatively faster and started paying back the Muslims in their own coin .

Hindus slaughtered the Muslims on the battlefield, but did not slaughter Muslim civilians giving them the choice of Hinduism or death, did not molest Muslim women en masse, did not destroy en masse, all Mosques, nor  built Temples over them after a victory, did not impose a penal tax like the jaziya on them, There is no record of the defeated Muslims saving their skins by either jumping in to the common fire as the Hindus did in Jauhar to avoid converting to Hinduism.

Although not Head Hunting cannibals, the Crusaders to put an end to the relentless barbarism of the Muslims,  overwhelmed them with even greater barbarism in their first rush itself. They not only slaughtered the Muslims, but went further to roast and eat them in a gruesome barbecue.  It was only this unexpected reversal of attitudes on their part of ravaging the ravagers with a force that was more barbarous that lead to the defeat of the Muslims.

Muslims invaded India only four years after they invaded Persia.

Muslims invaded Persia in 634 and Sindh in 638, while Persia succumbed by 651, i.e. in seventeen years, it took them seven hundred years to overrun India. They were repeatedly defeated by the Rajas of Makara/ Makran and Sindh for more than eighty years. 

Raja Dahir 

To prevent Qasim from crossing the Indus River, Raja Dahir moved his forces led by his son Jaisindh to the eastern banks at Jitor. 
Bin Qasim had heard that the strength of the Sindh army lay in the massive Hindu temple inside the fort of Debal (from Deval meaning Temple), an important trading city in Sindh. The temple was garrisoned by 4000 Rajputs and 3000 Brahmins and the Hindus could not be defeated as long as the Bhagwa flag fluttered atop the temple.

Using foul tactics, he kidnapped three children of the chief guardsman of the fort of Debal. Beheading one & threatening to behead the other two, they blackmailed their father into leaving a secret trap door open.  Despite a bold fight, the Hindus suffered a defeate and the seventeen year old Mohammed-ibn-Qasim on the orders of  Al-Hajjaj, captured Debal for the Ummaid Caliphate. 

A huge booty and a large number of women fell into the hands of the Arabs. On refusing to embracing Islam, thousands of Hindus including Brahmins were mercilessly butchered. The massacre continued for three days.

Qasim marched towards Nirun, ruled by Raja Dahir’s Son Jai Sindh followed by Sehwan, inhabitaed by merchants under Dahir's cousin Bajhra and Sisam, the capital of the Jats of Budhiya, ruled by Kakaa.  It is said that Nirun fell because of the treachery of its Buddhist citizens, Bajhra took shelter in Sisam after his defeat, Kaka was defeated and Bajhra and his followers were killed.

Raja Dahir

The powerful king of Sindh, Raja Dahir, with a huge army of 50,000 sword men, horsemen and elephantry fought Qasim at Rawar on 20th June, 712 AD. Stuck with a burning arrow, Dahir’s ‘howdah’ was set  flame and the frightened elephant ran towards the river Sindhu, hit by an arrow, injured Dahir fell off  his elephant. Dahir resumed fighting riding on a horse back. He was killed after two days of a bloody battle, his head was cut off and sent to Hajjaj. 
Refusing to surrender the fort of Rawar, his widow Queen Ranibai fought the invader and performed johar in the end.

It took Qasim about eight months to take control of Shind as he had to face tough resistance by the people of many  towns including Alor and Brahmanabad. Killing many, he enslaved thousands of men, women in Debal, Rawar and Brahmanabad, all under the age of 30 were put in chains, all capable of bearing arms were beheaded.

Qasim marched towards Multan, the city was strongly fortified, people were in full revolt. Qasim cut-off the source of water supply to the city, Multan fell into the hands of the invader in 713 A.D. The Arabs massacred and plundered the city. Women and children were made captives and a large quantity of gold was collected by the Arabs. He obtained so much gold that they named the city as the ‘city of gold’.

In this treacherous attack on Sindh, Qasim kidnapped two princesses Suriya and Preemal of Raja Dahirsen Debal and sent them as a gift with a message that they were royal virgins, meant to be ravished by his holiness - the Caliph himself. 

As described by Historian Mir Massum in his “Tarik Sind', "these princesses outsmarted the Caliph and conveyed to him that their modesty had been violated by Qasim. Chained and  locked in a barrel with nails on the inside of it, he was rolled down a hill". 

The Chach Nama also attributes the death of Qasim to these brave girls. 

The Caliph is recorded to have been filled with remorse on discovering the truth and ordered the sisters to buried alive in walls. 

After occuping Sindh, the Arab Muslims attacked Punjab, but were repulsed, attacked Rajputana, but were repulsed by Kings like Raja Bhoj, and when they attacked Gujarat, they were defeated by the Chalukya -Solankis of Anahilwada at the battle of Mount Arbuda / Abu.
When Arabs failed to conquer India, Turks and Mongols (Mughals) took up the Jihad against India. Sabuktagin’s spies had told him that the Hindus did not fight from sunset till sunrise. Foul tactics were used by the Muslims, they muffled the sounds of their horses by covering their hooves with felt and cloth to ensure the secrecy of their advance. 

The plundering and destroying Hindu shrines at Purushapura/ Peshawar, Luvkushpura/ Lahore, Mulasthana/ Multan, Somnath at Prabhash Patan in Gujarat, Palitana, Staneshwara/ Thanesar, Mathura, Kannauj, Khajuraho regularly every year with the aim of collecting a large booty and take Hindus to be sold into slave bazaars of Baghdad and other Muslim cities is seared in Hindu memory till today.

Unable to make any headway into India from their occupation of Sindh in 715 up to 980, instead of attacking Rajasthan, Punjab and Gujarat from Sindh, using another gateway they attacked the Shahiya kingdom in Upaganastan/ Afghanistan. The first Turko-Persian Muslim chieftain to attack the Hindu domains was Sabuktagin.

Hindu-Shahis & the battle for Kubha/ Kabul. 980 - 1001 C.E. 

Sabuktagin, a slave who ruled Ghazni since he married the daughter of his master Alptigin who seized Ghazni, made many expeditions into Hindusthan. Forcing his way up to the domains of Hindu-Shahis, Jayapal Shahiya, the Hindu Raja of Kubha/ Kabul challenged him to an open warfare. True to his word Raja Jaypal, (964-1001), son of Asatapala Deva, descendant of the Pandavas, reached the appointed place one day earlier to the day of war, the two adversaries exchanged ambassadors and decided that the hostilities would commence at sunrise the next day. 

After the Hindus had retired for the night, taking cover of the dark stormy night, dressed in black, covering the hooves of their horses with felt and cloth, the Muslim Arabs attacked the sleeping Hindu army at 2 am. Caught unaware, half awake, struggling to prepare themselves for war, the Hindus put up a stiff fight against their beastly adversaries but were overpowered past dawn. They retreated back to Kabul with the Muslims in hot pursuit.  

After killing 15,000 fighting men, 5,00,000 beautiful men and women were enslaved, Raja Jaipal, his children, grand children, nephews, relatives, chief men of his tribe were taken prisoners, bound by ropes, their hands tied behind their backs, some were seized by the cheeks, some driven by blows on their neck. 

Thursday, the eighth day of Muharram, November 27, 1001 A.D, Raja Jaipal was publicly paraded at a slave auction at Khurasan,  so that his sons and chieftains could see him in a shameful state of disgrace and sthat the fear of Islam might fly abroad through the country of the non believers. A necklace of large pearls, gems and rubies set in gold was taken off from Jaipal’s neck, the value of which was two hundred thousand dinars. Twice that value was obtained from the necks of those of his relatives who were taken prisoners or slain. The amount of booty was beyond all calculation. 

After demanding fifty elephants, Qasim entered into conditions of peace sending Jaipal back to his country, keeping his son and grandson as hostages till he could fulfil the terms imposed upon him, 
Jaypal could not bear the humiliation and immolated himself in a funeral pyre. 

Kusak Fort of Shahiya Dynasty

The Muslims poisoned the elephants of the Hindus at the Battle of Lahore to snatch victory once again using subterfuge.

Anand Pal Shahiya 

Anand Pal Shahiya, Jaipal's son, shifted his capital to Udabandapura, (modern day Und in NWF Province), Paktoonisthan, the province of the Pakhta tribe mentioned in the Mahabharat, and finally to Luvkushpura/ Lahore.

Anand Pal gathered all allies he could from  assembled a larger army of 100,000 horses and an innumerable host foot and allied with forces from the kingdoms of Delhi, Ajmer, Kalinjar, and Kannauj and opposed the invading Muslims, led by Sabuktagin’s son Mahmud of Ghazni. The armies met on the banks of the Ravi near Lahore. The Muslims were worsted by the Hindus determined to liberate their motherland. They led the attacks using armor-clad elephants,  pushing the Muslims up to the foothills of the Paariyatra Parvat/ Hindu Kush mountains.

The Paariyatra/  PāriyatraParvat is shamelessly called 'Hindu Kush', meaning, 'the Killer of Hindus', a name given by the Muslim to the Western Himalayas !  (Persian Kush means, to kill).

The Muslims sent an envoy to Anand Pal, suing for peace, that they be allowed safe passage out of the country and as a gesture of goodwill they wanting to come  to the Hindu camp for a common meal with them and seal the peace treaty. Against the advice of his allies, an unsuspecting Anandpal agreed to meet the treacherous Muslim marauders.

The Muslims came for the luncheon arranged at the banks of the Ravi river where the Hindu army had encamped. While intermingling with the soldiers, they moved about towards the stables of the Hindu camp expressing surprise at the Hindus feeding their mighty elephants. Unsuspecting, Hindus with the belief of ‘Athithi Devoh Bhava’,  showed them around the elephant stables, the Muslims secretly fed the elephants poppy seeds (opium) mixed with fruits.

Hindus self-satisfied that the war was over and the peace sealed, began dismantling  their camp but  in the next few hour were surrounded and attacked by the Muslim cavalry with cries of Allahuakbar. Realizing that they had been double crossed, the Hindus mounted their elephants and charged. They were in for a shock when their elephants refused to obey their mahout's (the opium showed its effects) orders and started running helter-skelter. 
Anandpal’s  elephant run a considerable distance away from the battle. Muslims spread the word that Anandpal was retreating.  Isolated from his main army, he was pursued by the Muslims, surrounding him they cut down the leather belts that held his howdah on the elephant & as it fell, they decapitated & beheaded him, stuck his head on a spike and paraded it before the confused Hindu army. A grisly sight never seen in battles before, unnerved Anand Pal's army. Their retreat turned into a rout, with many of them massacred on the battlefield.

Betrayal of the innate faith the Hindus placed even in an unscrupulous treacherous enemy, turned a Hindu victory into a Muslim one (with the use of subterfuge).

Using the patented Muslim mechanism of trickery,  Trilochanpal was kidnapped and murdered by Muslims dressed as Hindu Sanyasis.

Tirlochanpal Shahiya

The seventeen year old grandson of Jayapal Shaiya, Tirlochanpal Shahiya took the reins of the death struggle against the Muslims in to his hands. He shifted his capital from Lahore to Kangra where he tried to reorganize the defence of his reduced Shahiya empire that had once stretched from the rivers Yamuna to Kabul. 
The shrunk domains of Shahiya empire which stretched from Herat to Hardwar,  pushed about a thousand miles east at Kalka in the Shivalik Hills, now did not occupy a position to block the further advance of the Muslims into the Gangetc plains but following the valiant example of his father and grandfather he allied himself with the kings of Kashyapmeru/ Kashmir  and Tibet, to throw out the Muslims from Punjab and Afghanistan.

Mahmud Ghazni, sent a group of his soldiers dressed up as Hindu mendicants to meet Tirlochanpal. Pretending to have come from Kubha/ Kabul with a message for their king, they gained entry into Tirlochanpala’s headquarters at the fortress of Kangra. The  unsuspecting young prince was surrounded  and beheaded. The barbarians made off with his severed head, leaving a note beside his headless body:
"Islam will finally overcome anyone who decided to block the path of Allah’s soldiers."
A few days later, in 1020 C.E, the fort of Kangra, was sacked off its opulent riches by Muslim army. 


Son of Tirlochanpal, succeeded his father in AD 1021 C.E. and was the last emperor of the famed Shahiya Dynasty. His kingdom was now at its lowest point, he personally commanded the battle of Nandana and wounded the Ghaznavid army commander, Muhammad bin Ibrahim at-Tāī. Bheempal was killed in 1026. Abd al-Jabbar ʻUtbi in Kitabi-i-Yamini, refers to Bheempal as, ‘Bhīm, the Fearless’ . 

“Thus after 23 years we find the Muslim governors, left in India, east of the Indus.”- Briggs, the translator of Ferishta.

Bhimpal's widow and with minor sons took shelter in Kashmir. 
The leaderless surviving  remnants of the once formidable Shahiya army migrated deep into the Himalayas and settled down as goat-herds known today as Gaddis. They still come down to the Shivalik foothills and the plains of Punjab in the winter to graze their cattle. 

Thus ended, with Bhimpala, the last scion of the Hindu dynasty that ruled Afghanistan. The memory of a dynasty that had held guard at the North West frontier of India since the days of the Kushans in the 3rd century C.E. disappeared into the sands of time leaving only the gold and silver coins artfully minted by them as reminders.

A man from Gaddi Tribe.
The defeat of the Shahiyas opened the Indian heartland to the marauder invaders enabling Mahmud of Ghazni to repeatedly attack India. 
Millions of Hindu captives were transported on foot across the Western ranges of the Himalayas, many died on the way due to the merciless treatment of their cruel captors!

To be Cont….

History of India. Edited by A. V. Williams Jackson, Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages in Columbia University, Volume 5-The Mohammedan Period as Described by its Own Historians
The Sword of the Prophet: History, Theology, Impact on the World. by Srdja TrifkovicThe False Prophet. by Ellis H. SkolfieldPerfect Soldiers : The Hijackers: Who They Were, Why They Did It by Terry McDermott

Friday 7 September 2018

How the Zoroastrian Persia was vandalized & Zoroastrianism wiped out from the land of its birth (634-651)

The Persians today have faint memories of their pre-Islamic past,  of the glories of Cyrus and Darius, of Pasargade, Persepolis, Ctesiphon, of Zarathushtra, and the Shah-Nameh.

As they had provoked the pre-Muslim Quraish of Mecca into battle by raiding their caravans, the Muslim Arabs followed the same tradition of raiding their first non-Arab neighbor, the Persians who were a settled civilization.

The Muslim Arabs set their eyes on Persia, to conquer land and impose a creed on the Persians making them as bloodthirsty as themselves to attack, other parts of the world. Those who fell victim to the swords of the Jihadis could only save their lives by becoming Muslims.

The Battles of Namraq and Kasker 12 A.H. 634 C.E.
The town of Hira had been occupied by the ArabsKing Yazdjurd/ Yazdgard sent a reconnaissance force under the command of a general named Jaban to save the people of the border areas of Euphrates river, from the depredations of the Muslim Arabs.On seeing the Persians approach, who were on horses, the Arab force on camels, withdrew towards the desert into the oasis town of Namraq/ Kufa & drew the Persians into the desert, a terrain that the Persians were not familiar with, thus inflicting a defeat upon them. The Persian force withdrew to join the main Persian army at a town called Kasker. 

The town of Kaskar was far away from the Muslim camp. Persian general Narsi had assembled a good concentration of forces, felt that no Muslim attack could be imminent. The Muslim commander Abu Ubaid, in the wake of the battle of Namaraq itself rushed to Kaskar before the forces under Persian general Jalinus could come to their assistance. Persians hurriedly brought their military into formation and the two forces faced each other at Saqatia a few miles from Kaskar but Arabs were able to overwhelm the Persians at Kasker too and force them to retreat to the east, beyond the Euphrates. 

The Battle of the Bridge Al Jisr - 14 A.H. 636 C.E.
At the battle of the Bridge/ Al Jisr in Arab chronicles, the Persians used their elephants to trample over the Arab attackers including the Arab general. The Arab army stared retreating in panic and the Persians chased them up to the Bridge on the Tigris river, the boundary between the Persian empire and the domain of the Arabs. 

The Persians stopped at the bridge and did not follow the Arabs into the Arabian desert wasting an opportunity to hunt down the Muslim Arabs in their homeland and slaughter them in the same manner in which they slaughtered their adversaries.

An opportunity to do this was lost by the Franks at the Battle of Poitiers, 732, by the Austrians and Poles at the battle of Vienna, 1683,  by the Hindus at the Battle of Tarain, 1191,  at the Battle of the Bridge by the Persians, 634, by the Israelis at the six day war, 1967 , the liberation of Afghanistan, 2001, Iraq in 2003, after which the defeated Muslims  should have been forced to choose between Islam or death!

...but the non-Muslim do not yet have an understanding of the enemy's mindset..

The Battle of Ghadasia/ Cadesia/ Qadisiyah 15 A.H., 637 C.E.

General Rostam Farrokhzad 
At this ground breaking battle fought over four days, the Persians were led by general Rustam-e-Farrokhzad/ Farokh Hormazd.  Under Saad-ibn-Waqas, the Muslim Arabs used the tactic of luring the Arab contingent to defect from the Persian army betraing their non-Muslim Zoroastrian paymasters. 
One of these tactics was the cutting off the girdles of the Howda/ seats of those who were riding the elephants making them directionless and defeat their more superior Persian adversary. 
The second tactic told by the defectors was to blind the elephants in one eye only, causing disorder in the Persian army that then opened up passages for the Muslims to advance into the Persian ranks. 
The Arabs and Persians had agreed at the beginning of the battle not fight after sundown, but when the tide of the battle began to turn against the Persians on the third day of the battle, the Arabs attacked the Persians all through the night, shouting Allah-o-Akbar. This was the Night of Clangor, during which the Arabs waylaid the Persian general Rustam, beheaded & displayed his decapitated body to the Persian army at the next morning. The grisly sight of their general’s headless body riddled with arrows lying on the battlefield with his severed head pierced on a spear paraded by the depraved Muslims was a sight that even the war-hardened Persian army was not used to. This sealed the fate of the battle, and the Arabs could make short shrift of the remaining Persian army, killing it to the last man, except a few who managed to retreat towards their capital Ctesiphon, which was the next target for the attacking Muslims.

Commander Apranik of Sassanid Army in Battle against the invaders
Apranik,a symbol of the “Persian Resistance & Freedom”, the mighty daughter of general Piran, never surrendered, “No retreat, no surrender” was her policy

The Capture of the Persian capital Ctesiphon revealed the nature of the Islamic threat.

Seeing the Arabs approach Persian capital Ctesiphon/ Teesfoon after slaughtering two third of the Persian army at Qadissiyah, the hapless Persian emperor Yazdgard sent out an emissary to them with the message:
"Our emperor asks if you would be agreeable to peace on the condition that the Tigris should be the boundary between you and us, so that whatever is with us on the eastern side of the Tigris remains ours and whatever you have gained on the western side is yours."

Saad-ibn-Wagas the Arab Muslim Commander-in-Chief said that if the Persian emperor wanted peace it was open to him to accept Islam, or the sword could decide..
and so occupied the White Palace of the Persian kings, where as token of thanksgiving to allah, they beheaded the Persian commandant of the retreating Persian Emperor, and displayed this head to the assembled Persian captives.  

Children, old people were left behind in the chaos. The older were given the choice of Islam or death, the young girls and boys were taken as slaves and distributed amongst the Arabs as war booty. This rapacious behavior was to be repeated over and over again at Jerusalem (636), Damascus (637), Cesaria (639), Alexandria (650), Constantinople (1453) and in every defeat which the Muslims inflicted on their non-Muslim adversaries.

Among the unfortunate children  left behind, was three year old Shahrbanu, the child princess of the Persian King Yazdgard. The Arabs presented her to the Caliph Umar, who in turn gifted her to thirty two years old Mohammed’s son-in-law Ali as maal-e-ganimat (slaves obtained by Muslims after a war), as his concubine!

(The father in law Mohammed had married and consummated his marriage with a seven year old Ayesha in addition to many other young and beautiful ones captured in the numerous wars at Badr, Uhud, Trench, Autas in the Arabian peninsula)

History erased- books burnt, scholars killed 

When the Arab commander Saad ibn-e Abi Vaghas faced the huge Persian library of Ctesiphon n 641 C.E he wrote to Omar(Caliph) about it, only Koran is sufficient, the blasphemous books should be burnt, came the reply.
The huge library was destroyed, the books- works of the generations of Persian scientists and scholars were burnt/ thrown in the Euphrates making the waters of the river ran black with ink from the enormous numbers of books. Literate Persians, historians, writers and Mobeds/ Zoroastrian priests were massacred. Other libraries in Ray and Khorassan faced the same fate. Only few books from the University of Gondishapour survived because the Persian scholars translated them into Arabic in order to save them.  One of the rare books that survived the carnage was Khodai-namak, a Pahlavi writing of the Sassanid era.

After the occupation of his capital Ctesiphon, the Persian emperor Yazgard, withdrew to the fortress of Hulwan, from there to Rayy and finally to Merv, near the border of the Persian empire with the domain of the Central Asian Turks, where he died fighting the Muslims in 651 – seventeen years after the Arabs had first attacked Persia. But before this the Persians put up one final major resistance to the Muslims at Nihavend/ Nihawand. 

The battle of Nihavend
The Persians regrouped at Nihavend under a new Commander-in-Chief Pirojan who re-organize the Persian army in the light of the foul tactics that the Arabs used, purged the Persian army of all Arab contingents and provided the Persian army with Maille Armours. 

They took oath by the holy fire that they will die, but not let the Arabs occupy Persia. The Persians took a vantage position on the slope of a hill. The Arab historians describe the Persian army as a ‘Mountain of Steel’. On the first day of the battle the determined Persians put up a stiff resistance under the leadership of their general Mardanshah and the Arabs could not make any headway. 

Ali suggested a base move to the Arab Muslim commander Mugheera-ibn-Shu'ba, and that he offer the Persian princess as a bait to the Persian army to tempt it to leave its fortified position and walk into an Arab trap.

On the second day Mugheera-ibn-Shu'ba displayed the captured Persian child princess to the assembled Persians and said that he would kill the princess on the battle field and if the Persians had the courage, they could come and save her. 
The astonished Persians on recognizing the princess who had been captured by the Arabs four years back, went into a frenzy of rescuing her. Against their commanders’ orders the front ranks of the Persian soldiers leaving the fortified heights, broke their formation and charged at the Arabs.
Seeing the Persians leaving their fortified unassailable positions, Mugheera ordered his troop to withdraw into a valley and then climb into the hill of the opposite hill. 
The Persians thinking that the Arab Army was retreating with their princess, completely broke their formation to liberate her from the clutches of her captors, and charged at the Arabs who were feigning to retreat. 

When the Persians with their heavy armor, reached the lowermost portion of the valley, the Arab with their light cavalry fell upon them from three sides. Weighed down by their armor and being chained to each other, the Persians had little room for maneuvering in the narrow valley where the Arabs had hemmed them in. After a valiant but futile battle, what followed was a carnage of the Persian army all through the day. By nightfall the remnants of the Persian army retreated in the dark and many of the retreating Persians fell into the steep cliff, behind the hill on which they had assembled to attack the Arabs from the high ground. 

Using foul tactics the Arabs, could annihilate the Persians once again. The carnage of Nihavend  broke the back of the Persian resistance, the remaining history of Persia is that of Arabization and Islamization.

The Persia we next hear of is the Islamic Persia of Muslim dynasties the Samanids, the Safavids of Muslim kings- Shah Abbas and Nader Shah. Although forced to convert, they preserved the faint memory of their pre-Muslim past, that was captured by poets, historians and bards in their works, of which Firdawsi’s Shah-nameh is a famous example.
The credit for the much touted Islamic Renaissance with advances in calligraphy, astronomy, mathematics, literature goes to the Persian converts and not to the Muslim Arabs or to Islam. The centre of this Renaissance was Baghdad, which was built near the ruins of the ancient Persian Sassanian capital of Ctesiphon.

The Shia-Sunni divide

It was from Princess Shahrbanu, that Ali fathered his two sons Hassan and Husain, who were murdered in Battle of Karbala in October of AD 680. The descendants of Hassan and Hussain were to be the Shiite Imams who founded the Shia sect of Islam that had mixed Persian (royal Sassanid) and Arab ancestry. (Arab historians deliberately attribute the motherhood of these two sons of Ali to Fatima, another of Ali’s wives, and the daughter of Mohammed in order to keep the ancestry of Husain and Hassan purely to Arabs and to suppress the royal Sassanid Persian element of their ancestry.
The Muslim historians have us believe that Shahrbanu was honorably married off by Ali to his son Hussain from whom she begot Ali's grandon Ali Zayn al Abidin (the fourth Shia Imam) in 658 CE. 

(Princess Shahrbanu was abducted in 637, according to Arab accounts she gave birth to a son in 658. If she was a young lady when she was abducted in 637 then why did she have to wait for 21 years till 658 to beget, especially so considering that the Muslims force their wives to procreate as soon as they can lay their hands on them)

The reason why most Persians are Shias, the Zoroastrians who yearned for a return to the Sassanid days saw in  Hussain, Hassan, being the sons of their princess Shahrbanu, and in the Shiite Imams, a continuation of their pre-Islamic royal Sassanid lineage.

So they formed a cult within Islam separate from that of the Sunnis who came from the Arab Peninsula that was not a part of the Sassanid empire. Thus in today’s Shia-Sunni divide we can see the expression of the Persian-Arab divide that existed before the birth of Islam.

With Persia subjugated, it was now the turn of the Byzantine Christians to shed their blood to resist the Islamic Jihad.  While Persia fell in seventeen years,  634 - 651, the jihad against Byzantium started in 635 but went up to 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Muslim Turks.


History Of Jihad On Humanity

The Sword of the Prophet: History, Theology, Impact on the World by Srdja Trifkovic
Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam) by David Cook
Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Yeor
Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Yeor
The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book by Ibn Warraq 
Perfect Soldiers : The Hijackers: Who They Were, Why They Did It by Terry McDermott