Monday 7 January 2019

VANDE MATARAM Birth and Journey of the Mantra.

The first day of the year 2019 began with a controversy in the Capital of Madhya Pradesh. The Chief Minister of the newly formed Congress government, Mr. Kamalnath  discontinued the practice of official singing of ‘Vande Mataram’ at the Secretariat on the first working day of the month. 
Blame it on the Congress DNA, perhaps one of the many anti national conducts from the past history of his party resurfaced in the new CM’s mind and he repeated the history of 1937, 

For satisfying Muslim league in 1937, Congress retained only first two stanzas of  Vande Mataram and gave its members the freedom of singing any other song in addition to, or in place of its mutilated version. 

Just to satisfy the Muslims, Congress had in 1922, adopted an alternative song, ’saare jahan se accha..’, a passing phase in the poetic outpouring of Muhammad Iqbal in 1905, that fizzled by 1910 reflecting his inherent pan-Islamic thought: 
“Cheen-o-Arab hamara, Saar Jahan hamara, Muslim hain ham watan hai sara jahan hamara”!

Not only did they dilute the spirit of the Mantra of Vande Mataram, they parallely highlighted and popularised Saare Jahan se accha as a sign of Muslim patriotism to be engraved in the psyche of our coming generations.

The romantic imagination of the poet stated, “The construction of a polity on Indian national lines if it mens displacement of Islamic principles, is unthinkable to a Muslim, he would never sacrifice his Islamic identity at the alter of national identity. He concluded his speech by saying that Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sind and Balochistan be amalgamated into a single state. 

*Text books in Pakistan present him as the father of nation, a pious orthodox Muslim  to whose vision its existence is credited.

Vande Mataram becomes a Mantra of the national Soul.
“The father of Indian unrest’, Lokmanya tilak made the freedom struggle, a movement of the masses with, “Swaraj is my birth right and I will Have it”.
Lal Bal Pal mirrored the Nobel vision of Independence on to the nation’s mind.
Sri Aurobindo, Bankim Chandra Chaterjee sublimated nationalism into the worship of the Divine Bharat Mata.

A brilliant gathering of revolutionaries and nationalists with spiritual and cultural upsurge in Bengal having a profound impact on the entire country posed a serious threat to the British Imperialism. An alarmed Viceroy, Lord Curzon combined with the residue of islamic Imperialism partitioned Bengal to eliminate the looming threat on the 16 October 1905, separating the Muslim Eastern areas from the Hindu western areas. The League fully supported the partition.

This set aflame the Muslim ambition of converting East Bengal into Dar-al-Islam. With the support of English officers and magistrates, a call for jehad burst full fury on Hindus, women were molested, Temples destroyed and properties looted. 
The revolutionaries had to battle against both, the British & remnants of islamic imperialism.

The day of partition of Bengal was resolved to be observed as Rakshabandhan. Over 50,000 Hindus took a dip in the Holy Ganga. Rabindra Nath Tagore himself led mass protest of people on the streets, singing and tying Rakhi on each other’s wrists. He administered the vow of united Bengal with roars of Vande Mataram and an inspiring poem, 
Banglar mati Banglar jal, Banglar bayu, banglar phal, punya houk, hey Bhagaban… meaning, May the soil, the water and the air of Bengal be hallowed ….  

In the eyes of Lieutenant Governor of the newly formed province, Sir Joseph Fuller, this was treason and as a punishment, he let loose a bunch of atrocities on Hindus. The rape of their women by British soldiers added fuel to fire, Vande Mataram crossed the Bengal borders and became the war cry of the entire nation. Braving British lathis for their thunderous roars of Vande Mataram, thousands of revolutionaries sanctified the two words with their blood making it a potent Rashtra Mantra, an inspiring chant on the lips of men , women, young, old, illiterate, educated, a miracle that a thousand speeches couldn’t have achieved.

Composed in Bengali and  Sanskrit in 1882, Vande Mataram appeared in the historical novel, Anand Math  by BankimChandra Chattopadhyay/ Chatterjee was First sung in 1896 by Rabindra Nath Tagore at a session of National Congress.
Emperor George V of England hurried to Delhi and in a special Durbar annulled the partition of Bengal on December 12, 1911, making it the first resounding victory of the forces of Indian nationalism.

“Vande Mataram holds before one’s mind, the picture of one indivisible Bharat" - Gandhi, at Comilla, 1927.

The assaults on the National Anthem Vande Mataram.

Vishnu Digambar Paluskar, founder of Gandharva Mahavidhyalaya, valuable books, Sangeet Bal Prakash- 3 volumes, 18 volumes on ragas,  used to rouse the audience by the power of  his musical appeal singing Vande Mataram at the inaugural sessions of the Congress.  At the Kakinada session in 1932, Maulana Mohammad Ali stopped him from singing stating that singing was a taboo in Islam and he would not permit Paluskar to do so.

“Indian National Congress is not the monopoly of the particular religion, this is no mosque and you have no authority to prevent me from singing Vande Mataram….
If singing is against your religion, how could you tolerate it in your presidential procession”, resorted a defiant Paluskar. 

Having no answer to that, Maulana left the Dias and Paluskar did sing!

Congress returned to power in seven provinces in 1937 Provincial assembly elections. 
The Assembly proceedings began with Vande Mataram, true to its traditions, the Muslim League raised a storm of protest and staged walk outs.
The Muslim League conducted its session before the scheduled time of another meeting of the Congress working Committee in October the same year, denouncing the Congress ruled states as Hindu States with a testimony it cited as evidence, ‘the singing of Vande Mataram in Assemblies’.
 Terming Vande Mataram as callous, idolators and anti Islamic, league called upon Muslims not to associate themselves in any manner with this highly objectionable song.
Congress wavered in the face of Muslim opposition. Vande Mataram was an irritating hurdle in the path of winning over the Islamists.

Former Chief Minister of MP Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan stated that he along with his 109 MLAs will sing Vande Mataram on January 7,  2019, at Vallabh Bhavan in Bhopal. 
Had some revolutionary challenged the dynasts who defiled the National Soul, our  National Anthem ‘Vande Mataram’, India would have been a Hindu Rashtra in the true sense and not a multicultural cockpit of the so called secular Congress. 

Congress upheld the validity of the objection raised by the Muslim League by retaining first two stanzas of Vande Mataram depicting the physical picture of Bharat, struck off those stanzas that enshrined the spirit of nationalism and freedom struggle because it offended the Muslims. 
Congress demolished the unparalleled Divinity of the Potent Mantra Vande Mataram by placing it on par with ‘saare Jahan se accha..’ or any other song. Muslims were free to sing any other song of an unobjectionable character in addition to the mutilated version of Vande Mataram, or in the place of it.

After the stanzas which ‘smacked the Hindu religious odour’ were dropped,  the Muslims constructed a new objection that the background of the novel Anand Math offended them.

Jinnah raised a hue and cry that the Muslims were being harassed in the Congress ruled provinces. Nawab Syed Muhammad Mehdi of  Pirpur presented a report full of blatant lies on November 15,1938. Charges were mainly pertaining to Vande Mataram, Tricolour, Hindi and Wardha scheme of basic education.

Lyrics of Vande Matram, which to the Islamists is a  red rag even today.

Vande Mataram with meaning:
From its very inception, Congress followed Appeasement politics, sowed the seeds of communal politics & privileges, met traveling expenses of Muslim delegates. Lodging-boarding (Mess fee Rs.10/-) was free for them, who refused to sing Vande Mataram, dressed in silk embroidered chogas and gold, only ate delicacies & enjoyed at the expense of a struggling nation.

The next causalities of the appeasement policies were the National Flag and the National Language.

Bit by bit, the Fighting Will of the Hindu was weakened and his Faith constantly eroded, Hindu was manoeuvred to change his ancient Identity drastically. 
But he has not budged even an inch from his position since then, for whom and because of whom Bharat was divided, neither does he utter Vande Mataram or Bharat Mata ki jai, nor does he honour the Tricolour inspite of the green added for his satisfaction.

The Hindu has been swallowing, one after another, the bitter pills monitored on him by the dynastic government without realising the disastrous after effects of these doses. No more…!

From the Vedic age to the present times, our Rishis, Saints, poets and revolutionaries fostered in the soul of the Hindu, his land as his Matrubhoomi, Punyabhoomi, Dharmabhoomi, the Divine Bharat Mata. This inseparable national soul of Hindus is certainly not a commodity for politicians like Kamalnath and his party to barter or bargain for their malicious personal gains.

वन्दे मातरम् 
धरणीं भरणीं मातरम्, वन्दे मातरम् 
A soul stirring rendition of all five stanzas of Vande Mataram :