Wednesday 6 September 2017


Foreign writers have so much perverted the Indian history with malicious intentions, that a common reader or a young pupil thinks that the Hindus offered practically no resistance & that the Indian history is an unbroken chain of defeat of the Hindus, accepting it without affront, remonstrance, even a protest!
We shall be aiming at briefly discussing the achievements of leaders, warriors & war-like generations who vanquished the aggressors from time to time.

Alexander’s attack in 326 B.C. on India, is the first known foreign invasion in the ancient period of our history. When he marched with his vast army to Takshsashila, King Pourva, 340 – c. 315 BC, a descendant of the Puru Tribe (Rig Ved) challenged Alexander. The battle took place on the east bank of the river Vitasta (Jhelum, a tributary of Sindhu/ Indus river) (Greek Hydaspes) what is now Punjab Province of Pakistan. 

King Pourav depended on his war chariots & elephants, whereas Alexander relied upon his cavalry brigade. Before the 2 armies joined battle, torrential rains overflowing the river with high floods began to assail them all around. Alexander, in a few days found a place where the river was fordable. He crossed with his cavalry & dashed upon King Pourav’s forces disturbing his whole plan.
Pourva, atop his elephant, instead of the usual double-horse chariot fighting a fierce battle, received a serious wound on his right shoulder, his elephant was slain and he was captured. Alexander was in awe of the bravery, war skills and princely attitude of King Pourva. 

Wounded in his shoulder, standing at over 7 feet tall, he was asked by Alexander how he wished to be treated.

                 "Treat me as a king would treat another king" Pourav responded.
Arch diplomat, Alexander returned to King Pourav his kingdom & appointed him Satrap (governor), King Pourav too gave his assent simply to wait for his right time.

Alexander came to know that the Indian Brahmin ascetics were protesting against the Greek aggression, their sharp tongues were like the Kshatriya swords that exerted powerful influences upon the governments of Indian republics, thereupon he began hanging them.
The brave Ganas/ Ganarajyas (republics), offered the toughest of resistance and forced retreat homeward, the mighty Greek army of a hundred thousand soldiers & their captain-general Alexander, who had vowed to conquer the crown of Magahad.

While electing their leaders, sufficient weightage was given to the build & physical strength of the candidate by these Ganas.
With the view of promoting healthy & strong progeny, the procreation of human species was controlled by the state. Being fond of physical beauty, marriages were arranged with consideration of mutual physical fitness beauty & health to bring forth sturdy children.

REPUBLICS IN PANCHANAD & along banks of Indus, right up to its leap into the sea, were said to be living on weapons, the men & women had to undergo military training so that at the time of war, all could be drafted for military action.

Spread far & wide to the south of river Vyas in Panchanad (Punjab), was the most prominent Ganarajya. They kept their male & females between 18-21yrs of age, trained & well equipped with arms. They were looked upon with awe & respect, for the youth always fought for their independence regardless of their lives.
On seeing Alexander march down the Vitasa (Jhelum) & the Chandrabhaga
(Chenab) the gallant Youdheyas got ready to face him relying on their own strength. Alexander’s army dared not cross the Vyas on realizing that beyond the river the brave Youdheyas & mightier Indian states were preparing for war.

The Greek army started wending its way homeward but all along the bank of the Indus they had to fight fresh battles.

Decided to amalgamate their fighting forces under a unified control correcting the mistakes of several Indian democracies, which fought singly, a vastly superior enemy. While the unified armies of Malva-Shudrak was fighting tooth & nail with the Greeks, Alexander laid siege on one of their important cities. Alexander jumped into the enemy stronghold, the shaft of an Indian warrior pierced his heart & he rolled down in a pool of blood. He was confined to bed & it took several days for the wound to heal.

Alexander captured a small-armed community of seven thousand, threatened them to join his army or be ready to be slaughtered or get carried as slaves. Unwilling to aid the foreigner, they decided to give him a slip but Alexander came to know of their intent & fell upon them with his huge army while they were sleeping.
Within a short time they drew their swords, made a circular formation gathering women & children inside it, faced the Greek attack heroically, many women too fought, till all of them got killed they kept fighting for the freedom of their nation.

This little Indian republic, instead of surrendering fought to the last with the vast Greek navy as it was making its way to sea through the course of Indus. They fought every inch of their ground tenaciously, when they could no further resist, they set their houses on fire, their wives & children threw themselves into the flames. This tradition was followed by Indian warriors right from ancient days. This self-sacrifice was resorted by the Hindus as the last unfailing weapon to save their religion, self-respect & to avoid captivity, slavery & conversion.

When Alexander’s naval force reached the mouth of the Sindhusagar, the Brahmanak republic made up its mind to cross swords with him. Alexander, in Panchanad had wrecked his rancorous revenge against the clan of Brahmans, when he learnt that it was the same clan this small village belonged too, he decided to whack his malicious stroke upon it with all his might. That little Janapad too fought to the last for the sake of national honour & independence.

Alexander was a conqueror, but CONQUEROR OF INDIA HE NEVER WAS!!

Two exceptionally gifted personalities had not yet attracted public attention & were closely watching the movements of Alexander’s forces. Acharya Chanakya was secretly planning a transfer of the crown to his young disciple Chandragupta’s head by means of a Coup d’état.

If at all they are to be compared, Chandragupta was a super Alexander!


  1. Never knew about it. You are doing a great service to the true history of India

    1. Thank you for appreciating, I have drafted an entire series on lesser known facts of Indian history to share with our people, what I researched & gathered over the years. Wish to resurrect Indian National Pride!

  2. Nice research Sis, just loved it

  3. Nice. But this is end to end copy of Veer Savarkar's Great work (book) of Six Glorious Epoch of Indian History.
