Friday 26 October 2012


Often people share their experiences of socializing with friends, going to movies, reading, partying for relaxation but while these activities are more relaxing compared to the everyday routine, they do not impart deep, settled relaxation.

What I've come to believe, being disconnected with Nature, adrift floating from one moment to another is the root cause of disharmony and the stress our world faces today. I'd like to share some simple practices that help many to become a relaxed and a happy person.

1-BREATHING –My personal favorite technique to De stress ; we know that we are connected- through the process of respiration, we breathe in oxygen that the plants release and we breathe out carbon dioxide which plants breathe in. When we forget the breath we live in the subconscious and forget ourselves; when we remember the breath we remember how we are a part of the greater whole.

Try it out- take a deep inhalation, push it into your belly, let it rise into your chest and let out a long exhalation. You’ll be back in your present world and connected. Go within to your ‘personal retreat’ as often as you wish, anytime anywhere, lying down, sitting, just for 5 minutes to feel settled and connected.

3- Walking- Simply walk, with each step become aware of your feet touching the ground, feel the earth supporting you, feel your breath moving in and out with each stride.

4- Gardening- will connect you with rhythms of nature, its easy and fun besides you can grow some inspirational flowers and herbs.

5- Living and working environment- to feel happy and energized, room by room look for areas with clutter, darkness or poor view and make necessary changes to allow maximum positive healing energy to circulate through. 
Placing a mirror on the wall or painting of a landscape opens up the environment. Surround yourself with colours that suit your emotions, for instance red is associated with fire, green with trees and blue with sky.
Bring in some plants and hang a few wind chimes.

6- A Good Night Sleep with aromatic oils- scents trigger your system in a positive ways that help you relax. In a tbsp. of coconut oil, add 3 drops each of sandalwood, lavender, and rosemary essential oils and use them in a diffuser on your bedside for a restful sleep.

7- And Finally Music; sounds are directly linked to our nervous system therefore slow and soft sounds soothe and relax and decrease blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. How much you like the music is the best indication of how well it’ll make you relax.

Practice whatever from these suit you till it becomes second nature to you. I am certain you'll enjoy every bit of it.

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