Tuesday 14 November 2017


Do Indians sometime wonder why the whole world is suddenly concerned about them and why are the Indian Deities, saints, long eliminated sati traditions, the RSS etc, the subject of focus internationally?
 Well-planned move of US with its NATO allies & Churches fund Evangelicals, NGOs, 5th column, educational establishments, and Islamic Jihadi allies to destabilise India. US which played a role in Destabilising India’s North East, has redoubled efforts all the way to its Southern states and their coastlines.

A special task-force was formed to analyse 
Hindus as a target & to device strategies to
convert them, met in Thailand in 1980 and
in its report, 
‘The Thailand Report on Hindus’, 
classified Hindus in different target 
segments, a strategic plan using 
corporate marketing approach, 
(Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)

Music & Dance are one spiritual art, an integral yoga & science of harmony, impossible to separate from its essential background, the Vedic Dharma. According to The Vedas, The Divine mother Vak (Vag Devi) sang whole creation into being, The ‘Para Shakti’ (Eternal life-force) assumed the eternal causal sound ‘Nada’ through monosyllabic sound OM (Pranav)
Shiva (Natraj) dances and weaves the Rhythm of the universe, including in it divine creation, preservation, regeneration, veiling & benediction. Bharat Natyam is based on Hindu cosmology’s cycles of birth-sustenance- dissolution; its origin is traced to the reference of dance in The Vedas, formalised even before Bharat Rishi wrote Natya Shashtra in 2nd century BCE. The performing arts were positioned as spiritual practices for the general public and those who lacked the aptitude to access the scriptures.


KALAKI KAVERI College of Fine Arts founded by a catholic priest in 1977, (has overseas branches) funded as a major Church campaign, offers ‘off campus degree program in Bharat Natyam’. Its website shows Dr. Barboza’s (has Christianised the Bharat Natyam) ‘Christian Mudras’ as Bharat Natyam mudras. Christianising Bharat Natyam, Dr. Barboza has invented Christian mudras:

God the Father, 
Son of God, 
The Holy Spirit, 
The Risen Christ, 
Mother Mary, 
The Cross, 
The Church, 
The word of God
2 postures,
Crucification &
The Risen Christ.

Its website contains a passage from its 25th anniversary handbook, ‘Resurgence’, which reveals ‘the time tested Christian technique of first praising Indian spirituality and then mapping it to Christian equivalents’.

KALAIRANI NATYA SAALAI, Maryland, USA, founded by RANI DAVID, blatantly reveals her contempt of Hindu symbols of Bharat Natyam in its website. Proud of her association with Father Barboza, she wants to make Bharat Natyam non- Hindu. Rani David innovated & staged a 2 hour program, ‘Yesu, Yesu, Yesu’ in Maryland & took it to many parts of USA.
DHARAMA DEEPIKA, a missionary research journal published by Mylapore Institute of Indigenous Studies, an evangelical institution, printed an article in 2000, projecting the 'Prajapati (in Purush Hym Rig Ved), a prophetic revelation about the atoning sacriXices of Jesus Christ, showing Prajapati as the Vedic prophecy of Jesus Christ', thus ‘Jesus Christ is the real Prajapati’.
The same year, another evangelical group in Chennai, with recent converts launched a dance-drama titled 'Prajapati', which has become an aggressive proselytising device near important pilgrim centres as Rameshwaram and Kanchipuram.
One Chennai based evangelist named Chellappa, describes himself as a sadhu and runs an organisation called Agni Ministries, named after Vedic Deity.
KALAKHSHETRA, an institution founded by Rukmini Arundale with stress on Hindu spiritual roots of Bharat Natyam, was captured by evangelists LEELA SAMPSON as the new director in 2005. Most of the Vinayaka images were removed, prayers of the Deity were stopped, clothes adorning the Deities were removed, she claimed that Kalakshetra never had idols that were worshipped. In 2006 she stopped the participation of Kalakshetra students in the inaugural function of ‘health and bliss’, a religious course being conducted by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, saying, “this function is concerned with Hindu religion, kalakshetra need not participate in it.”

Some examples of the manner in which Hindu festivals are being Christianised as the St Thomas mythology becomes entrenched.
South Indians initiate their children into literacy on Vijaydashmi, the tenth day of Navratri. In 2008, a parallel function was organised to imitate the Hindu ritual within the Christian context, Christians also initiate their children in to literacy on the same day now.
This encouraged the clergy at St. Baselieus Church in Kottayam and in 2009 they claimed that Vijaydashmi had a Christian historical background because that is when Jehovah enlightened Jesus with knowledge. In this version Saraswati Devi has been replaced with St. Paul and Lakshmi Devi with Sebastian. The clergy further claimed that Maha Shivratri is the corrupted version of the Messiah Night, when Jesus wanted his disciples to keep eternal vigil.

UNDER THE GUISE OF ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP Information-gathering is also carried out by mainstream academic institutions, under the guise of academic scholarship. European evangelical mission to India have also forged a network of academic-activist-evangelical institutional ties in Europe and US.

Western scholars launched projects to identify numerous linguistic fragments within India. Recently, the focus shifted from Dravidian to Munda as the ‘original natives’ to create ever smaller group identities, consequences are visible as conflicts due to fragmentation. Maoist militancy region in central India is where this work has focused for the past two decades.
University’s project of a Dravidian Etymological Dictionary served as a geopolitical tool to boost Dravidian identity politics.
The Dravidian etymological dictionary compiled by Murray Branson Emenaeu (1904-2005) of Yale University and Thomas Barnson (1909-86) of Oxford University, was a landmark in the development of separatist Dravidian Ideology. They claimed that Dravidian languages were older than Sanskrit and that Sanskrit appropriated the Dravidian vocabulary. Yale University nurtured Dravidian politician, C.N. Annadurai, Tamil Nadu CM1967-69, who helped found the DMK, a political party with separatist belief.
Scholars who rejected the Aryan-Dravidian theory were sidelined in the academy and Tamil circles resulting in establishing Western theories of Aryans having colonies South India, subjugating its original inhabitants.

The University of California at Berkley in 1996 launched a Tamil Chair, where scholars have created tension between Tamil and Indian literature, every small distinction exaggerated whereas common elements that unify the country are explained as Brahmin manipulation.
The first visiting professor to Berkley was Ilakkuvanar Maraimalai from Chennai, whose articles feature topics like, ‘I love America’, ‘Sexual assault on Christian nuns in India’.
Another guest Norman Cutler of the University of Chicago, whose work is believed to have opened up for US policy makers, ‘An India that does not speak Hindi’.

Boston Theological Institute is a consortium of nine institutions based in the US to ‘advance the unity of the Church’.
The Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America, calls itself, a literary, educational, cultural, charitable organisation and uses its academic links to spread demonic images of Indian society, with the help of Tamil Nadu based Dalit activities. FeTNA has been accused of supporting LTTE, one of its former director was arrested by the FBI for trying to bribe US ofXicials in order to lift the ban on LTTE.
The Free University of Amsterdam was started as the Xirst Protestant university in Netherlands in 1880. It has links with GURUKUL LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE in Chennai.

University in Sweden, offers a research course, ‘Mission archives and approaches to the study of Christian Churches in India’. There conferences have featured topics like, ‘Hindutva as a political religion’, the goal is to educate policy makers, academics, missionaries, about the opponents of proselytisation and the strategies that must be developed to establish Christianity across India.
Various Islamic advocacy groups in the US nurture such scholars, provide mechanism to bring them together with afXiliates in India, for example IMC (the Indian Muslim Council), a US based advocacy group for Indian Muslims. IMC’s high proXile conferences have included keynote speakers, Lisa McKean, John Conyers. At IMC’s 2008 conference in the US Tarun Tejpal of Tehelka, highlighted the ‘oppression of Muslims, Dalits, , tribals and Christians’. Angana Chaterji was awarded the ‘Tipu Sultan’ award.
PIFRAS participated to show solidarity against their common enemy.
In 2008, IMC arranged an American lecture tour for the activist Teesta Setalvad, whose international fame was based on atrocity literature about claims of Hindu rioters ripping open a pregnant Muslim woman and throwing her foetus into fire. (*The team appointed by the Supreme Court of India refuted the veracity of this account)
Many riot victims said that they were made to sign affidavits written in English, which they didn’t understand.
There are unpublicised links between Dravidian separatism and political Islam that has a history of expansion, Islamic forces operate in three Southern states, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.
Whether it was the Caliphate movement or whether it is Palestine or Kashmir, Muslims worldwide get mobilised in a united manner. There are over 48,000 madrassas in Uttar Pradesh, 22,000 in Kerala, 7000 in MP, 3700 in Bihar, many more thousands in other states India, with foreign funding.

Political victories of Hindu government in India have precipitated the urgency to accelerate the seizure of India from within through religious conversions.
Many Hindus are duped into thinking that showing religious similarities is a genuine way to promote harmony, unaware that they play into carefully formulated strategy for conversion as well as a non-Hindu identity of their people.
UDIT RAJ is one such activist who became famous for organising a huge Dalit rally and mass conversions of Hindus to Buddhism in India. AICC website explains Udit Raj’s role in US politics to advocate intervention in India as a part of its foreign policy.
The DFN hosted a conference, "Racism and Caste Based Discrimination in India: Implications for the US-India Relationship", where talks were given by both, Udit Raj and Kancha Ilaiah.
KANCHA ILAIAH As ‘the leading Dalit rights campaigner’, Kancha Ilaiah, is also a member of ICSSR that gives grants to Universities, research organisations like CSDS, where left wingers, journalists, NGOs, Dalit Christians are nurtured.
DNF awarded him a postdoctoral fellowship, his book, ‘Why I am not a Hindu’ (1996, sponsored by the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation) is prescribed in courses on Hinduism at many American Universities. In another book, ‘Post- Hindu India’, he creates a racist ideology of hatred against Brahmins in particular. For instance he recently said that vegetarianism is anti-nationalism: “For me, my nation starts with eating beef.
JOSEPH D’SOUZA 'in ‘Religious Freedom day’ organised in Washington by Christian fundamentalist, Senator Rick Santorum, gave a speech in which he held responsible, ‘Hindu extremism’ for all religious violence and urged the global community to intervene and protest against the legislation in Indian states that prohibit conversion.
The DFN raised $795,462 in 2004 and spent $372,523 on programs and services as reported by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The remainder of the money was sent the following year as designated money to support developing programs.
JOHN DAYALThe most virulent and articulate Christian anti-Hindu, and that all ‘heathens’ Hindus have to be converted. John Dayal is forever lobbying in the West, particularly with the US Congress, testifying that ‘Christians are persecuted in India’, When the Indian government felt the need of transparency in the foreign funding of NGOs, he testified against the Indian government at PIIFRAS
PAUL DIVAKAR Closely associated with Lutheran Church, son of Rt. Rev. N.D. Ananda Rao Samuel a Bishop and a Moderator of the Church of South India, a Dalit activist, General Secretary of National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR) based in New Delhi.
MARTIN MACWAN Founding director of IIDS, Macwan of NCDHR (National campaign for Dalit Human Rights) runs three of the nine institutes comprising the network, is also the Founding Director and Executive Secretary Navsarjan Trust and Dalit Shakti Kendra, Ahmedabad. 
VISHAL MANGALWADI (author of The Book that Made Your World) An Indian American evangelist claims that colonialism under British was very good for India, “Indian democracy has failed” and the reason is that “it did not use Bible as its moral compass”, he states. He is a leader of this heavily-funded western evangelic programs to echo far-right protestant supremacist ideas in India.
MARTHA NUSSBAUM A virulent anti-Hindu American, her pronouncement: “perpetrators of violence are not Muslims but Hindus”, is proof enough of that. Her interest in India started   while working for Amartya Sen, with whom she shared an intimate relationship, a fact she herself bragged about, does not have any qualification in archaeology, Sanskrit, geology, or metallurgy, yet writes with authority about the dating of the Vedas, Hindus=bad guys, thugs, militants"
TEESTA SETALVAD, a Hindu married to a Muslim, Javed Anand, General Secretary of Muslims for Secular Democracy, a virulent anti-Hindu organisation, has used any means to go after Hindus, particularly their leaders and specially Mr Narendra Modi and has been repeatedly exposed for having indulged in unethical acts, has cases pending against her in courts for perjury. She uses  the lack of education and poverty of victims to file false affidavits to further her own agenda , anti-Hindu agenda fetches her foreign funds.
LISE McKEAN, Western academician harbours hatred of traditions, Guru tradition as oppressive 'Hindu Nationalisms'. For instance, in her book, ‘Divine Enterprise’, she writes, ‘Through shrewd marketing and publicity, Hindu spiritual leaders can play powerful roles in contemporary India as businessmen and government ofXicials’.
EVA-MARIA-HARDTMANN Author of ‘The Dalit movement in India’, member of advisory board in the project ‘Outlook in Civil Society’ collaborated with UPPSALA, member of board of SASNET (Swedish South Asian Studies Network), and coordinator of SARI (Stockholm Anthropological Research on India,) a network of researchers focused on India. She is listed as one of the academicians at IIDS.
ROMILA THAPAR The most renowned Indian historian, who has links with all Indologists in the world and universities, resorts to a quasi-scholarly speculation of racial hatred as existing in entire Indian traditions, demonising the ‘other’, a technique to justify holding such people in contempt and even attacking them’. A traitor to her own culture, she argues, "entire civilisation - state is oppressive devices controlled by ethnic groups that need to be dismantled"

MEERA NANDA Meera Nanda denounces Culture & Hinduism as anti-scientific and Protestantism (whose John Templeton Foundation funds her) as scientific. She states, “yoga asans do not have Vedic origins, and were treated with disdain by the 19th century Hindu elites, including Swami Vivekananda. Instead of acknowledging the Western contributions to modern yoga, we Indians simply brand all yoga as ‘Vedic,’ a smug claim that has no intellectual integrity”.
ANGANA CHATERJI, the most venomous anti-Hindu in the USA, most prominent on faculty of California Institute of Integral Studies, that was set up 2 promote teachings of Sri Aurobindo, uses this podium to lash out against anything Hindu. Married to Richard Shapiro who is Director and Associate Professor of the Grad. Anthropology Program at CIIS, also a very anti-Hindu body. Both are great defenders of the Kashmiri Muslims, formed an organisation on HR & justice in Kashmir, slamming Armed Forces, and attend every International Kashmir Freedom Conference (IKFC), which only gives the Muslim point of view. 
ARUNDHATI ROY When the Indian government woke up to the reality of the Maoist threat, Arundhati Roy (groomed by the West), voiced a strong protest against Government operations. In a propaganda article, she says with pride, “the Maoists are having latest modern weapons, serious rifles, INSAS, SLR, AK-47s and recruits child solders”.
The Firangis are long gone but their agenda remains. The Pope, while visiting India in 1991, proclaimed openly, his wish to “witness a great harvest of faith”, through the Christianization of the entire country.
A Mahesh Bhupathi, in our midst is recognized only whith incidents like, his mother once said, “My burden is for India, since we fight with about thirty three million other Gods”.

Read in the 3rd part, more about the America and the British interventions and their Indian affiliates.
1. The Indian War of Independence of 1857: Vinayak Damodar Savarkar 

2. Breaking India: Rajiv Malhotra, Aravindan Neelkandan 

3. Malabar and the Portuguese: K.M. Panikkar

4: History of the Syrian Nation and the Old Evangelical-apostolic Church of the East: George David Malech

5: The Armies of God: Iain Buchanan

6: Pseudo Secularism: Sita Ram Goyal

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