Sunday 4 February 2018


It has been a worrying trend for the culturally cautious to spot surreptitious means of converting Hindus, denigrating their religious and cultural practices and building a global narrative of global Anti Hindu sentiments. Most of the supposedly moderate Hindus are too moderate to look at it with a critical eye, the others too ignorant of their own faith to mount a credible argument. A sense of inferiority has been drilled into urban Hindus who have never invested in exploring their own religion, leading them to be malleable against purported excesses of their faith. They have no arguments, no information, no time for research and not enough roots to look the danger in the eye. This series of articles is by no means an original research on the subject. They are composed of extracts of information from various sources, websites, books and discussions and presented as a Situation Report of a CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER. It is also condensed in a nugget to share the explorations of serious research. We would urge the readers to use the information contained as a catalyst for their own research in the given contexts. The sources are mentioned at the end of the article.

A typical example of the images of Hinduism being fed worldwide can be found in a documentary featuring PAT ROBERTSON, executive chairman, and former Southern Baptist minister who advocates Conservative Christian ideals, mocking early morning prayers of Hindus. Referring to Ganga as ‘Shiva’s sperm and that ‘Hindus wash away their sins in the sperm of God’, says “Shiva is the God of destruction and His consort, Goddess of death, that black ugly statue with those fierce eyes”, says that evil tendencies of death and destruction are found in those who worship Hindu Deities, “I mean these people are out to kill in the name of God”.

Converting Hindus into Christianity is popularly marketed in America as an act of saving the heathens from a lifetime of demonic oppression. These extremely mainstream views are a result of well-funded and planned movement. US evangelical organizations pull the strings of US based Dalit lobbies; these organizations depend on a section of academicians and activists from India, affiliated with the Indian subsidiaries of US evangelical organizations.


DALIT FREEDOM NETWORK (DFN) based in Colorado USA, (affiliated to AICC) uses a Dalit face to hide the hardcore operational American right-wing designs on India and a social status to intervene in Indian causes. It brings speakers and activists from India to testify before US government, policy think tanks, churches to prompt US intervention in India.
DFN channels fund for ‘Dalit empowerment’, OMCC (Operation Mercy Charitable Company) aims to establish Christian ‘Good Shepard Schools’, plans to create 1,000 Dalit Education and Emancipation Centers.
PIFRAS(Policy Institute for Religion and State) A powerful advocacy group whose board member belong to Abrahamic religions and many members represent evangelic institutions. JOHN PRABHUDOSS, its executive director represents FIACONA (Federation of Indian American Christian Organization of North America)

FREEDOM HOUSE is another powerful institution, which relies on the testimonies from Christian sponsored Dalit activists. It has an entity called ‘Centre for Religious Freedom’, its report on ‘the rise of Hindu extremism’ (2003), had contributions from Rev CEDRIC PRAKASH, TIMOTHY SHAH, VINAY SAMUEL, JOHN PRABHUDOSS, JOHN DAYAL AND JOSEPH D’SOUZA of the AICC, representatives of DFN

ASIA SOCIETY IN NEW YORK Funded by the ROCKFELLER family and former CIA director WILLIAM COLBY. It provided negative images of India to influential Americans, CELIA DUGGER, who served as co-bureau chief of New York Times in Delhi 1998-2002, took the stand that India was becoming a fascist state. Recently in new US-India climate, Asia Society has recognized India as a rising economic power that offers potential for US policy.

RAND CORPORATION An American global policy think tank financed by the U.S. government and private endowment, corporations, universities and private individuals.
It clubbed RSS and Al-Qaeda as examples of violent ‘new religious movements’

FORD FOUNDATION (The sixth-wealthiest charitable foundation by endowment $11.7 billion USD) New York-headquartered, globally oriented private foundation (with the mission of advancing human welfare) provides transnational monitoring of Indian policies. It sponsored an Australian conference on India that entirely focused on BJP as if no other aspect of India existed. The whole program consisted of several papers on BJP economics, rural governance, BJP and textbooks, BJP and media, BJP and southern states.

WORLD VISION One of the largest Christian multinationals with an aggressive appetite to convert. Its Indian website projects a humanitarian image, while its US website (from where most of its money is raised), is more forthright about its vision.

GFA GOSPEL FOR ASIA is a well-funded Texas based Christian missionary organization with a vast infrastructural network in India, works closely with DFN .

EPPC (the Ethics and Public Policy Centre)
Founded in 1976 by Dr. Ernest W. LEFEVER, EPPC is Washington, DC’s premier institute dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy.
EPPC has strong links with other funding groups and evangelical organisations. A priest, Cedric Prakash, a human rights activist, spokesperson for United Christian Forum for Human Rights, liaison for local capacities for peace project at Harvard University, is invited for strategic visits. Besides facilitating these visits, EPPC holds events for lobbying political leaders concerning alleged Hindu atrocities, one such conference was titled, ‘Hindu Nationalism vs. Islamic Jihad’ and was convened by an Indian Christian TIMOTHY SHAH, Director of South Asia Affairs at EPPC. EPPC sponsored a conference, co sponsored by INFEMIT-a network of third – world theologians and activists led by Dr. VINAY SAMUEL, in which 6 ‘experts’ on South Asia discussed ‘the impact of increasing religious militancy’, ‘Hindu problems- caste, sati, dowry, weird Gods, primitiveness, irrationality’ etc. were projected.

For the US, which was in desperate need to show the Arab world that the Afghan and Iraq invasion were not a crusade against Islam, the 2002 Gujarat riots came as an opportunity, which was used to reinforce the savage imagery of India. Many Human Rights activists, for whom it was more important to promote US intervention than to support on ground relief, since the rewards included foreign trips, contacts in high places, chance to build a reputation, used this frenzy to its best.

USAID (US Government Agency for International Development)
 A principle vehicle that is directly from the Government, USAID, has a deliberate strategy to allow funding of Indian projects to be controlled by evangelical organizations. It supports many organizations, to name a few, SHARAN, YWCA, World Vision, Salvation Army, Catholic relief services, St Mary’s Hospital.
WORLD BANK’S program called, ‘Development Dialogue on Development Ethics, which maintains partnership with faith based organizations, is also sponsored by US.

*BRITISH INTERVENTION Christian groups have established Dalit front organizations with support networks in the UK and Continental Europe; they cultivate government bureaucrats, officials of United Nations, radical politicians and supply them with atrocity literature and controversial studies that undermine Indians.

CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)
An International Christian activist group based in UK, runs European organizations with a Dalit front, which collaborate with similar evangelical groups in the US. Since 1998, CSW has strategically collaborated with AICC. In 2007, it launched a documentary, co-produced by DFN called, ‘India’s Hidden Slavery’. Its lobbying activities like the UN Human Rights Councils have been used to undermine India’s unity.

affiliated with CSW, it cultivates radical politicians, powerful civil servants, administrators of financial aid and investments in India. DSN funded from Christian Aid, an evangelical group notorious for its predatory practices among the poor, is also funded by other major organizations including Anglican USPG.
In 2007, in a meeting on Dalits, conducted by DSN-UK and Christian Solidarity Worldwide, MOSES PARMAR of DNF said, “Only Christianity offered freedom for Dalits” and Rev DAVID HASLAM said, “Dalit problems should be internationalized”.

LISA (London Institute for South Asia) a fanatically anti-India institution, whose website supports violent separatist movements in three regions within India. It alleges, “Indian Armed Forces are brutally suppressing freedom movements, killing hundreds of thousands in J&K, Punjab and Assam.

INTERNATIONAL DALIT SOLIDARITY NETWORK Formed in 2000 headquarter in Copenhagen, IDSN has strong ties with Indian evangelical organizations, works across continental Europe collaborating with NGOs, International Church bodies-LWF (Lutheran World Federation) and WCC (World Council of Churches) amongst others, politicians and academics in South Asian studies, taking them to Europe for lecture tours for providing testimonies before European parliamentary bodies.
Indian Based Dalit Institutions and individuals with Church Links- the European Christian groups advocate European intervention by championing Indian Dalit fronts like National Dalit Human Rights Commission, National Dalit Women’s Forum and individual scholars.
The persistent advocacy of IDSN and its Indian affiliates resulted in the UN Commission on Human Rights adopting a resolution in 2005 to appoint 2 special (fundamental Christian) Rapporteurs to study caste based discrimination.
In 2006, the European parliament convened a hearing by its committee on development in which Dalit issue was discussed. The India government did not send its delegates, stating that ‘the problem of Dalits is strictly internal and a private matter’. However two Dalit NGOs attended, PAUL DIVAKAR, representing the Indian based affiliates of IDSN and an Indian based activist, RUTH MANORAMA (nurtured by foreign nexus) of National Federation of Dalit Women.
In 2007, pressured by sustained anti-India campaigning, the UN selected India as ‘the first country to be reviewed for Human rights violations’.

OCRPL The Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life was built on twenty five years of research and education by INFEMIT (International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians is active in publishing for Global Christian expansionism) lends support to US evangelical groups and publishes atrocity literature on India by bringing together a select group of activists and journalists.

The inflow of foreign money has enabled churches and related missions to mushroom; foreign scholarships have been used to manipulate Indian identities, international intervention has been strengthening separatist groups. Organizations such as WORLD VISION have partnered with Western intelligence agencies, have invested huge amount to create large infrastructure networks across India with government assistance from the West such as USAID.

The term ‘Development’ is used by the evangelicals in ways that mean, ‘destroying spiritual diversity by collapsing all religiosity into monotheism’. Elliston explains, “Development is the process by which men and women are brought in a committed relationship with the living God through the faith in Jesus Christ”,

In exchange for the international travel, career opportunities, prestige provided by the foreign churches, many Indians have dished out whatever the Western funding sources wanted to hear.

NCDHR National campaign for Dalit Human Rights, centered in Delhi with offices in fourteen states, is very aggressive internationally in urging all nations to exert pressure on India.

NFDW National Federation of Dalit Women was set up in 1995 under the leadership of RUTH MANORAMA, who has been granted an honorary doctorate by the Academy of Ecumenical Indian Theology and Church Administration for ‘the distinguished contribution made to church and society’.
At the 2001 Durban conference, she was a prominent voice against the Indian delegates, her advocacy earned her a place among the one thousand women nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 and she was awarded a ‘Right Livelihood Award’.

Indian Dalit activist DR.JYOTHI RAJ and her husband run an organization called REDS (Rural Education for Development Society). Dalitology, developed by them uses the same fabrications as Dravidian race theories; ‘Dalitstan’ is a plan to break India into several parts with a separate Dalit nation-state.


IDSN (INTERNATIONAL DALIT SOLIDARITY NETWORK) sponsors and coordinates Dalit studies across a network of foreign and Indian institutions.
IIDS The Indian Institute of Dalit studied was created in New Delhi with initial grant of USD 30,000 from Ford Foundation. The Indian founding director, MARTIN MACWAN of NCDHR runs three of the nine institutes comprising the network.

SASNet (Swedish South Asian Studies Network, an IDSNs organ, SARI (Stockholm Anthropological Research on India)is a part of SASNet’s program to construct framework for exploiting conflicts within India. EVA-MARIA HARDTMANN, listed as one of the academicians at IIDS, is also one of the researchers of the well funded program.

Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary conducts workshops to stir up passion among students, channeling them into various groups working for spreading Christianity in India, sponsored by WCC serves as an agency to coordinate various evangelical organizations and uses its database to map Dalit issues on to a Christian framework.

Founded in 1931, upgraded in 1953, affiliated to the notorious SERAMPORE COLLEGE, which was once used to facilitate British Colonial rule, Gurukul acts as a center for gathering intelligence for evangelical programs against Indian traditions.

One of the most aggressive solicitations of grants for spreading Indian Christianity is illustrated by the Indian based INOCM, which sends out solicitation letters to American organizations.

*God, in Vedic tradition is all inclusive, ‘ALL’ are His own manifestations.

*God of ‘chosen people’ is the ‘jealous God’ who has chosen enemies.

*The ‘exclusive, ‘No other God’ reveals himself, not directly but through a messenger.

The God of both, with striking similarities;
one tries to ‘sneak in’ Jesus in a Hindu garb;
the pattern of the other has been persistent, forcibly augmentative over the last fourteen hundred years!

The long Hindu struggle to reclaim their religion and culture from these ‘alien invaders’ must be at the center stage of Hindu religious consciousness standing united to the ancient pride of the Aryavarta.
Har Har Mahadev!

The Indian War of Independence of 1857: Vinayak Damodar Savarkar 

Breaking India: Rajiv Malhotra, Aravindan Neelkandan 

3. Malabar and the Portuguese: K.M. Panikkar
4: History of the Syrian Nation and the Old Evangelical-apostolic Church of the East: George David Malech
5: The Armies of God: Iain Buchanan
6: Pseudo Secularism: Sita Ram Goyal

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