Thursday 5 July 2018


If Africa is known to be the Mother of all Mankind, Jmbudvipa is The Unchallenged Center of Ancient Civilization!

The great continent of Southeast Asia, the Jambudvipa, also called Vangadesh by the ancient people was called Sundaland by Charles de Brosses in his 1756 treatise- Histoire des Navigations aux terres Australes. 
Jambudvipa a landmass before its gradual submergence over a period of 9000 years, is believed to be  twice the size of present day India, including Indo-China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, was exposed throughout last 2.6 million years when sea levels were lower,  submerged by rising sea levels between 15,000 & 3000 BC.

"At the center of Ila Vrta lies the golden Mount Meru" ..Markandey Purana
 People of Indian subcontinent & Indonesian archipelago believe that bang in the centre of the landmass is an enormous Mount Meru/ Sumeru, the axis of the earth, which moves from time to time to keep Creation in balance & that the earth quaked (movement of tectonic-plates) & ocean spilled every time it moved.                                  *The highest mountain in East Java is Semeru. 

Shatapatha Brahmana (┼Ъukla Yajurvedaidentifies Earth as the lower shell, the atmosphere as the body and the vault of heaven as the upper shell of this Cosmic Turtle, the serpent around the world binds middle-earth together. Many other Scriptures also give similar descriptions which, due to lack of correct understanding, were ridiculed by European Historians. 
Map of Jambudvipa in Hindu Texts

The Indus Valley Civilization
The first mass migration led Sundanese to settle around Sindhu/ Indus, then an Oceanic river, what is now the Indian subcontinent, around 14,000 years (or more) ago. The Philosophers, thinkers and scholars among those first migrants chose the mighty riverbanks to settle and called this river, Saraswati. It was here that the Rishis contemplated on their ancient ancestral wisdom of Vedas, and systematized Science, Philosophy, Art and Music.
About 11,500 years ago, the second great flood fragmented Jambudvipa,  submerging lowlands under the ocean whereas the highlands remained above the waters. This fragmentation began to be known by different names: Yavadvipa (Valmiki Ramayana, 8000 BC mentions Yavadvipa) Yava/ Java/ Jawa (rich in grains, Jauv/ yava/ sorghum/ barley).
Another popular name was Svarnabumi/ Svarnadvipa meaning gold yielding land, the present day Sumatra. 

Ancient Egyptian Civilization
The second fragmentation of Jambudvipa compelled more to follow the path of their presiders, thus one large group after travelling for hundreds of years, marrying their distant cousins, Sundanese immigrants settled in India called ‘Mishra’ meaning mix/ blend, arrived & settled in the land of blacks, the children of mama Africa. The newfound land, Misr/ ancient Eygypt also called Kemet meaning black, became their home.

Ancient Greece is an offshoot of the great Jambudvipa.

The Greeks called themselves Yavana, meaning, from isles of Yvadvipa, a fraction of Yvadvipa/ Java that disintegrated with 3rd great flood about 8500 yrs ago.
Our *ancestors called Greeks ‘Yavans’

     The first mass migration led Sundanese to settle around Sindhu/ Indus…

Spreading out to the farthest of the seven rivers, Sapta Sindhu, the Aryans or the Cultivators, out of their gratitude to the network of waterways that ran through the land, naturally took to themselves the name of Sapata Sindhu as a symbol of common Nationality and Culture. Down to this day a Sindhu/ Hindu invokes the presence of these rivers to purify his Soul:

рдЛрдЧ्рд╡ेрдж 10.75-5                  реРрдЗрдоंрдоेрдЧंрдЧेрдпрдоुрдиेрд╕ाрд░рд╕्рд╡рддिрд╢ुрддुрдж्рд░िрд╕्рддोрдоंрд╕рдЪрддाрдкрд░ूрд╖्рдг्рдпा

Most Maleccha (foreign) languages are offshoots of Sanskrit. Bhavishya Purana.
Since the letter ‘S’ changes into ‘H’ in some languages,
Sapta becomes Hapta (week), in Europe Heptarchy (seven Anglo Saxon Kingdoms) 
Sanskrit Kesari becomes Kehari in old Hindi
Saraswati becomes Harhwati in Persian, Asur becomes Ahur
Sapta Sindhu is mentioned as Hapta Hindu in Avesta of ancient Persians
The Avestic Persians know us as Hindus
The Greeks as Indos, All Europe and Later America know us as Hindus/ Indians,
And Chines (Huen tsang) called us Shintus/ Hintus.

"The Land that lies north of the ocean & south of the snowy mountains is called Bh─Бratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."  Vishnu Puran

Prince of Ayodhya, Shri RamChandra, brought the whole land from the Himalayas to the Seas under one sovereign sway, the Aryan Princes, Hanuman, Sugriva, Bhibhishana all swore allegiance to him.
As the horizons opened out to the south, the Gangetic Delta, the name Sapt Sindhu/ Aryawarta 
(the land that lay between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas)/  Dakshinapatha gave way to a grander name Bharatkhanda.

Emperors come and go but the Spinal Cord the Sindhu remains!
Sindu connects the remotest past to the future and inspires our sense of gratitude, renovates ancient memories of our race and brings alive our sense of pride. Sindhusthan, the land of Sindhus, was and remains the best Nation for all those who flourished on this side of the Sindhu! 

Hindutva at Work …
Living in peace and prosperity, Sindhusthan was rudely awakened when Mahmud of Ghazni crossed the Indus, the frontier line of Sindhusthan and invaded her, the Muslims had crossed the stream even under Kasim but the wound was only skin deep. 

Arabia ceased to be what it was, Persia was annihilated, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Tartary, Granada to Gazni, nations and civilizations, all fell before the Sword of Peace, Islam, but here, in Sindhusthan, it grew blunter each time it struck.  
Decade after Decade, Century to Century, the contest continued, Vitality of the Victim proved stronger than the vitality of the invader. Sindhus single handed, morally and Militarilly kept up the fight. The Triumphant Hindu Banner that our marathas carried to Attock was taken up and carried across the Sindhu to the banks of Kabul by our Sikhs.

Nothing can weld people as the pressure of a common enemy!
The honour, independence of Hindusthan, the culture of Hindutva or Hindu Dharma was fought on hundreds of battle fields. Sanatanis, Satnamis, Sikhs, Brahmins, Madrasis, Marathas, all suffered as Hindus and triumphed as Hindus. Vital spinal cord of Hindutva ran through entire Hindusthan making the Nayars of Malabar weep over the sufferings of the Brahmins of Kashmir.
By a process of elimination, culmination, the race of Sindhus grew into the race of Hindus, the land of Sindhus, the Sindhusthan grew into the land of Hindus, Hindusthan. Each and every sect here is the direct descendant of the religious beliefs obtained in the land of Sapt Sindhu belonging to an integral part of Hindu Dharma.

So, what are the qualification of Being Hindu?

a- The land extending from Sindhu to Sindhu is to him, the Pitribhu/ Fatherland.
b- This is the land of his patriarchs and forefathers, his Matribhu/ Motherland.
c- He is the descendent of Hindu parents, has the blood of the ancient Sindhu in his veins.
d- This land to him is the Punyabhu/ Holyland, where Knowledge was revealed to the Vaidik Seers-Rishis, to Dayanada, Mahavira, Buddha, Nanak, Gobind, Chakradhar, Chaitanya, Ramdas, where our Gurus were born and bred.

He is a Hindu, for whom, Sacred are the rivers of Hindusthan, hallowed are its grooves, who can see Rama in the van, hear Krishna play His flute, Mahavir enter Nirvana, Buddha under the Bodhi tree, Nanak singing Aarati. Who can hear the story every stone here has to tell, see in every inch, the sacrificial ground, where son of Banda Bahadur was hacked to pieces and his bleeding heart thrust in the father’s mouth for the fault of being a Hindu. 
Hindu to whom Sindhusthan is not only a Pitrabhu- Matribhu but also a Punyabhu.

But the Facts as they stand!
Hindusthan to those forcibly converted to non-Hindu religions, is Fatherland as is to Hindus but their Punyaland/ Holyland is far off in Arabia, their Gurus, ideas and heroes are not the Children of this Soil, their names and outlook are of foreign origin, their love is divided! 
They may posses all the qualifications of Hindutva but sadly do not look up to India as their Punyabhu, their Holyland. 

Strengthen oh Hindu, those subtle bonds that bind thou together into one organic being by ties of common blood, common culture; Consolidate and Strengthen Hindu Nationality in an Urgent Defence of your Race and Land rendering it Impossible for traitors to betray Her!

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